Many bloggers have commented on the recent Village Voice article " John Kerry Must Go." The Torricelli option with Hilary in the wings might turn out quite positive on the national security issue.
Hilary has two front and center character traits in common with her husband
1) Narcissism
2) Ambition
But also has one that he utterly lacks
The ability to delay gratification.
The combination of these 3 could lead to the following dynamic-Hilary-if she is POTUS would consider any sign of Muslim anti-Americanism a mortal blow to herself-but maybe it would never even come to that-
Hillary Rodham Clinton-An Internal conversation
2004 or 2008?
2008 is a no brainer-Kerry will now lose even without a push from us-thank God I won't have to get cute on that score-and the war will no longer be as issue
But in 2006 I may have to run against Rudy and his popularity in New York is still astronomical and the Jewish vote which finally showed a trickle for GWB in NY and Fl will become a torrent for Rudy and with his support among Catholics and upstate I could be left with Al Sharpton and the media elite only-crap
But still if I run and lose in 2004 it won't be so bad-I'll still have the chance to run again in 2008 when domestic issues will predominate and I've been careful to let those sluts Pelosi and Boxer and Feinstein play out the leftist agenda while I carve out the centrist position quietly and effectively-its almost too easy-shit these democrats are stupid-maybe I can mend fences with Dick Morris-he always was hip to this fact
But who will I run against in 2008-the devil you know is always better than the devil you don't know-maybe it'll be Rice-crap why couldn't she know her place and the college kids are trending conservative-who can blame them after the way we boomers f***d up our own lives-2008 is not looking so good-
Maybe the Torricelli option is the way out-If I make noises that'll get Gore to do something stupid for Kerry-maybe like suggesting a face-to-face meeting with the grand mullah of Iran –then I can pick up the pieces
What can I run on in 2004-that's the real rub-I can't burn bridges for 2008 but if I stick to domestic issues-crap wish I'd begged off that march on Washington-Maxine Waters is really an idiot-I wish her mother had had the right to an abortion too-and Whoopi Goldberg with a coat hanger-good thing Chelsea is grown up or she'd have nightmares from that one-focus HRC focus-
How about my role in history-
First major woman leader in modern times-
No Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher have me beat on that score
Great domestic reformer-no FDR beat me on that
I'll have a war on Cancer-no Nixon
Prescription Drug Plan-man this is getting tough
I know I've got it-I didn't even need Eleanor's help-TA DA
I'll outflank GWB from the right on defense-lets see it'll go like this –I'll make a major policy speech that goes like this-I'm shocked, shocked to find that Muslims don't allow women to have full rights-for the dignity of women I declare all Islamic republics to be rogue states and to be condemned by the UN-that's it I'll make the speech at the UN-those feminists will be the strongest supporters of the war-GWB will be left without an issue-I'll invite all the progressive nations of the world to join in-Gloria Steinem will convince the Germans or Shirley Temple Black or somebody-
I'll mandate that all American women in Saudi Arabia drive and when one is stopped it'll be the best causus belli since the Maine explosion-
"If a gal can't drive and drive she must-Mecca and Medina will turn to dust"-Geffen and his crew will come up with a better slogan than that
Yes it's all coming together-I can do it-Nixon going to China pales before this turnaround-I'll be immortal-Bill will be viceroy of Islam-and report only to me-I'll be Alexander the Great and Joan of Arc rolled into one
Nixon taught me a lot but I'll never let on-
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